Wednesday, 12 January 2011

Inside stats on a Sarah Palin viral sensation

My colleague on Blue Rubicon's digital team Karin Robinson also writes the excellent Obama London blog.

On Sunday night she found herself at the centre of a viral sensation when she spotted that Sarah Palin's Facebook page moderators were deleting anti-Palin comments, but not a comment that implied that it had been right to kill a 9 year old girl.

The post rapidly circulated on Twitter - from where the Huffington Post picked it up. It rapidly became the most re-tweeted item globally, generating over 400,000 views of her post in the following two days, and over 9,000 comments on Facebook, as well as extensive pick up in traditional media.

Karin's given a brief explanation of what happened on the Blue Rubicon website. But she's also kindly given me the Google Analytics for her blog in the last few days, which I've put below.

This is a good example of the value of building websites on platforms such as Blogger. Most hosting services would not be able to cope with such a huge surge of traffic, while, as far as I'm aware, Blogger didn't wobble once.

Karin Robinson Blue Rubicon Digital viral success