Friday 16 October 2009

Jan Moir's homophobia puts her top of Twitter

Jan Moir's nasty article in the Daily Mail today about Stephen Gately's death has put her close to the top of Twitter, with around 100 Tweets a minute currently.

People are being redirected to the Press Complaints Commission to make complaints - it will be interesting to see the rate at which Tweets translate into complaints.

Interesting that some people are posting her article as a Google Doc so that the Mail doesn't benefit from the traffic.

Thanks to my colleague Sarah for pointing this out.

Posted via email from Rob's posterous


Haribo said...

The article is strangely stupid. Most of it is a reasonable analysis - and then suddenly, from nowhere, she says (to paraphrase) "One gay bloke died the other day. Now another one has died as well. Can we trust the gays with civil partnerships?".

Err, come again? (no pun intended)

At least TRY to attempt some logic, Moir.

Am surprised people are getting so worked up, though. I don't think the article is unpleasant or deliberately offensive - just a bit dim and misguided.

Unknown said...

Unfortunately there is a lot of truth in Moir's
article. I have a lot of close friends who are
gay and married and they are all very dysfunctional
with depression and suicidal- anything but 'gay'
ironically. We joke about this but they are quite
annoyed that the gay 'movement' tend to force
the incorrect idea on the public that gay marriages
are just like other marriages. Unfortunately the
evidence is all around us. The gay 'movement'
has now shamelessly orchestrated this latest
attempt to smash anyone who dares to suggest that gay marriages are not the same as heterosexual
marriages. The movement that was set up to tackle
intolerance has seemingly turned into intolerance.
just as normal as heterosexual marriages-

Oranjepan said...

Sean, that's nonsense.

Being gay makes nobody depressed and is never the direct cause of relationship dysfunction.

On the other hand how an individual is treated for being gay most certainly does have a big effect on interpersonal relationships and esteem issues.

In other words the being gay bit is irrelevant - what is relevant are the attitudes towards the means of expressing homosexuality as a form of identity and the preconcieved expectations surrounding them.

Quite frankly you are getting confused between correlation and causation and creating distortions to fit your own preferences and prejudices.

The problem is not with anyone's self-identity, but with the restrictive laws that impose artificial differences and create social divisions to the detriment of all.

Preferential treatment and favoritism has serious negative effects on those automatically excluded from it, which this case does highlight.

So you would have been far more accurate had you said only that you sympathised with Moir's article, rather than saying there is any truth in it. The only fact she got completely right was that Gately is no longer alive.